American Men


Pilot Rejected


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When you have your first kid, for a little while, you can still get away with trying to convince yourself that you're still that same fun-loving guy who you were pre-kid... hang out with all those buddies you used to hang out with, and do all those cool pre-kid things. But at a certain point, you have to realize that you are not that cool guy anymore: you are a dad. And the people you are actually hanging out with are not those cool guys you used to hang out with but are, in fact, the random assortment of other dads who just happen to have kids the same age as yours. That is your group. That is your posse. That is your reality. And if you are anything like Sean Wilson, you become determined to make those people your friends and to make that group work. Brought together by their kids, The Guys is about the unlikely but life-altering friendship created amongst a disparate group of men who otherwise would never be spending time together.

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Pilot Rejected