Bug Attack

Family | Current Events | Educational | Discovery/Science




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They are insects-and we're not talking about ladybugs. We're going on a journey to the dark side of the Bug Kingdom where creepy crawlies have developed weapons and attack strategies straight out of a horror movie. Our search for the deadliest insects of all unfolds each a quest to find a bug superlative.

The show will build minute-by-minute as we search for the ultimate terror-not one bug, but thousands. Phil De Vries, a man obsessed with bugs, hops from continent to continent-South America, Africa, Asia, Australia, and the USA-as the hour builds to its terrifying climax: the search for the deadliest swarm.

From killer bees in Texas to the vicious stingless bees of Malaysia, Phil brings us face to face with insect hordes. But the most terrifying swarm of all takes us to Japan, home of the Giant Hornet. Big as a matchbox, these killers swarm against beehives, cutting their victims in half with their incisors, and then abducting the young. But their most diabolical weapon is reserved for unlucky humans: a sting so strong it dissolves flesh and bone.

"Bug Attack" brings you face to face with some of the world's weirdest creatures. Beetles that spray boiling liquid, armored caterpillars that battle belligerent ants; aggressive, venomous wasps that hunt by starlight. His insatiable curiosity brings him in direct contact with thousands of cutting, creeping, biting, stinging, squirming bugs!

This series aired at 9PM on the National Geographic Channel on Thursday in the UK.
(Source: http://www.nationalgeographic.ca/features/bug_attack_highlig)

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List of episodes

S1E1 - Season 1, Episode 1

Air Date: 31 Jul 2003 16:00 (CDT)