DR2 Premiere

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DR1 (DK)



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We have finally a film show again. Since Filmland closed in 2004, millions of people have been shouting at me; "why, oh, why don't we have a program about film?" Another couple of hundred thousand have been throwing at me; "isn't it just a catastrophe, a disgrace, that Filmland was shut down - and nothing was made to replace it?".

Well, honestly I don't think that it was a shame that Filmland closed. For the viewers, perhaps, but not for me or the rest of the staff. It was no joy and fun making the show. Budgets were extremely low, the goodwill inside the DR-system was even lower. We didn't perform, we didn't succeed in what we set out to do. The times were not right for a program about the whole film industry. We wanted debate, portraits, directors, actors, screenwriters, dvd's, news, classics, perspective and reviews. A show about the filmmakers - we wanted to listen to the creators of art, and not just ourselves. The idea was to show the audience that film was not only about meanings and opinions - it was about every thing from art to craft and industry. It was all too much of the good thing. We tried to create news stories, make journalism and enlighten the audience. We really wanted to make a film show that rocked - a show that took the whole world of film serious.

But we were too serious, too insisting. No one ever really got the point of the show, and to make a long story short - it was the right decision to close the show after 100 shows or something like it. DR2 has had time to think. The top editors are replaced, and like any other cycle, it becomes round that time again where a film program is the thing to do.
Now - finally it's here. The new film show. Every Monday at 20.00, rerun on Wednesdays at 23.00. "DR2 Premiere" it's called, and it is waiting for me home inside the hard disc recorder. I am really looking forward to seeing it. Does it have a voice, does it provoke and can it set new standards? I hope so. I really hope that this could be the show that would make new audiences interested in film, in reviews and in creating independent meanings about film. We do need that, and we do need a discussion about film. Bring on your opinions about the new film show on DR2. (Source: http://www.europeanfilmcollege.com/soeren_hoey.asp?AjrMssgId)

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