Living With Lincoln

History | Military/War




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n the years following the Civil War, ancestors of documentary filmmaker Peter Kunhardt collected a treasure trove of photographs, rare books and other artifacts relating to Abraham Lincoln. Over the decades, their descendants carried on the work, helping to preserve an essential part of America’s past.

Directed by Kunhardt (HBO’s Emmy®-winning “JFK: In His Own Words”) and Brian Oakes, Living With Lincoln his family’s physical and emotional connection to the president, revealing a personal side of the immortal leader through a modern-day journey of discovery, obsession, depression and despair.

Narrated by director Peter Kunhardt, Living With Lincoln chronicles how five generations of one American family have shared the “glorious burden” of collecting, preserving and documenting a vital archive relating to Abraham Lincoln. Beginning with great-grandfather Frederick Hill Meserve, Kunhardt’s family collected photographs that might have been lost forever, including now-iconic portraits used on the penny, the five-dollar bill and even the image used to create Lincoln’s likeness on Mount Rushmore. (Source: HBO)

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