
Crime | Drama

Netflix (US)

In Development


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To shed light on the untimely death of her son, Sara, a former internal secret service agent, tired and withdrawn in a prison of solitude, returns to ask her friend and former colleague, Teresa, for a favor. But everything comes with a price. And suddenly, she finds herself entagled in her old life. Whether she likes it or not, she's still the best: they called her the "invisible woman", and her gift has never been questioned. While discovering details of her son's life that she knew almost nothing about, Sara sinks into an investigation that brings her back to many ghosts of her past. Keeping both of the things together is very difficult, and certainly very dangerous. Paradoxically however, this is how the invisible woman comes back to life, doing what she does best. Seeking justice.

Sara Next Episode Air Date

There is no Next Episode of Sara planned.