Adventure | Children
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The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh is a charming animated series that will capture both kids and their parents alike, with all-new outings featuring Pooh and the whole gang in the 100 Acre Wood. The world-famous bear, created by British author, A.A. Milne, is joined by his young master Christopher Robin, the ever-bouncy Tigger, the glum donkey Eeyore, the incurable know-it-all Rabbit, the always-confused Owl, squeaky Piglet, and the mother and son team of Kanga and Roo. Featuring quality animation along with original songs and scores, this series has the touching emotional qualities and "not just for kids" humor of the original Winnie the Pooh books.
TV Show Ended.
S4E8 - Cloud, Cloud Go Away
Air Date: 30 Sep 1991 11:00 (CDT)
S4E9 - To Dream the Impossible Scheme
Air Date: 30 Sep 1991 11:00 (CDT)
S4E10 - Piglet's Poohetry
Air Date: 07 Oct 1991 11:00 (CDT)
S4E11 - Owl's Well That Ends Well
Air Date: 02 Nov 1991 11:00 (CDT)