Yellowstone Journals


Eden (GB)

To Be Determined


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Yellowstone Journals takes viewers to the wildest corners of Yellowstone, one of the last places on earth still home to all its native predators. Yellowstone Journals explores the park's most extraordinary, from the drama of new life, to the exhilaration of predators fighting for survival at nature's most extreme.

Yellowstone Journals Next Episode Air Date

There is no Next Episode of Yellowstone Journals planned.

List of episodes

S1E4 - Competition: Battle for territory

Battles over territory ensue all over Yellowstone, locking males in brutal conflict and extraordinary display as they protect territory, access to females, and the right to breed. It's a brutal reality that sometimes, keeping ecosystems in balance means someone has to lose.

Air Date: 28 Nov 2019 15:30 (CDT)

S1E5 - Renewal: Born to Be Wild

As hard snow yields to spring melt, the park explodes into new life. The same animals we've seen locked in conflict and desperation for survival, are now at their most gentle, as they help their newborn young learn the world. It is Yellowstone's most dynamic season full of sound and colour.

Air Date: 29 Nov 2019 15:00 (CDT)

S1E6 - Predation: One Life Feeds Many

Life and death coexist side by side in Yellowstone, nature taking and giving at every turn. But what can seem like a tragic end to one life, can reveal a new beginning for so many others— if you know how to look. Follow the death of a single young bison as it feeds an entire community of animals, each playing their part.

Air Date: 29 Nov 2019 15:30 (CDT)