Next Episode of Jeopardy! is
Season 41 / Episode 114 and airs on 13 February 2025 17:00
Jeopardy! is a classic game show -- with a twist. The answers are given first, and the contestants supply the questions. Three contestants, including the previous show's champion, compete in six categories and in three rounds (with each round's "answers" being worth more prize money).
Ashok Poozhikunnel vs. Matt Ruprecht vs. Lee Ann Roberts.
Ashok Poozhikunnel vs. Kristin Morgan vs. Brett Swartz.
Kristin Morgan vs. Parker East vs. Natalie Hudson.
Kristin Morgan vs. Parker East vs. Frances Way.
Kristin Morgan vs. Scott Mitchell vs. Tim Courchaine.
Kristin Morgan vs. Scott Mitchell vs. Katie Collins.
Kristin Morgan vs. Joan Blinn vs. James Hawthorne Jr.
Joan Blinn vs. Helen Juvonen vs. Diva Bole.
Helen Juvonen vs. Patrick Mooney vs. Eric Reiberg.
Helen Juvonen vs. Barbara Sheridan vs. John Morgan.
Barbara Sheridan vs. Buddy Hammett vs. Michelle Souza.
Michelle Souza vs. Susie Swithers vs. Joshua Brakhage.
Joshua Brakhage vs. Zora Shinn vs. Waymond Mitchell.
Joshua Brakhage vs. Lauren Thomas vs. Sean Link.
Joshua Brakhage vs. Heather Montanye vs. Kristin Durianski.
Joshua Brakhage vs. Allison Swanberg vs. Robert Chodola.
Lila Anderson vs. Kelton Ellis vs. Irene Vazquez.
Brittany Poppen vs. Nilai Sarda vs. Katie Stone.
Arjun Byju vs. William Crouch vs. Olivia Hummer.
Tori Amos vs. Leonard Cooper vs. Jordan Villanueva.
Barrett Block vs. Emily Greenberg vs. Joe Vertnik.
Barrett Block vs. Irene Vazquez vs. William Crouch.
Kelton Ellis vs. Joe Vertnik vs. Tori Amos.
Leonard Cooper vs. Emily Greenberg vs. Nilai Sarda.
Nilai Sarda vs. Barrett Block vs. Leonard Cooper.
Nilai Sarda vs. Barrett Block vs. Leonard Cooper.
Stephanie Jass vs. Jason Shore vs. Paul Nelson.
Joel Pool vs. David Menchaca vs. Colby Burnett.
Jason Keller vs. Monica Thieu vs. David Gard.
Keith Whitener vs. Kristin Morgan vs. Dan McShane.
Patrick Quinn vs. Dave Leach vs. Ashok Poozhikunnel.
Kristin Morgan vs. Dave Leach vs. Jason Shore.
Dan McShane vs. Colby Burnett vs. Stephanie Jass.
Jason Keller vs. Keith Whitener vs. Paul Nelson.
Colby Burnett vs. Kristin Morgan vs. Keith Whitener.
Colby Burnett vs. Kristin Morgan vs. Keith Whitener.
Joshua Brakhage vs. Sara Garnett vs. Hans Reodica.
Sara Garnett vs. Dean Flagg vs. Twyla Dignan.
Sara Garnett vs. Craig Sallinger vs. Melissa Leanza.
Sara Garnett vs. Dylan Wint vs. Erin Schmidt.
Dylan Wint vs. Drew Horwood vs. Ilene Morgan.
Drew Horwood vs. Jon Gucinski vs. Lorraine Donahue.
Drew Horwood vs. Lloyd Baum vs. Jennifer Head.
Drew Horwood vs. Mike Munley vs. Yellowlees Douglas.
Drew Horwood vs. Ben Dwertman vs. Lindsey Chismark.
Drew Horwood vs. Tish Koch vs. Barrett Evans.
Drew Horwood vs. Jillian Mueller vs. David Czapka.
Drew Horwood vs. Anne Olson vs. Tom Canterbury.
Drew Horwood vs. Kathleen Meyer vs. Rob Groves.
Rob Groves vs. Rayma Haas vs. Joshua Simmons.
Rob Groves vs. Lauren Girard vs. Lars Medley.
Lauren Girard vs. Jonathan Shulman vs. Jeff Weber.
Lauren Girard vs. Abby Fisher vs. Steve Rininger.
Steve Rininger vs. Rachel Liptak vs. Mary Jo Shoop.
Rachel Liptak vs. Tom Lynn vs. Tyson Schindler.
Rachel Liptak vs. Christine Muldoon vs. Pat Clevenger.
Pat Clevenger vs. Tom Carroll vs. Ryan Truchelut.
Tom Carroll vs. Brian Daner vs. Rebecca Rider.
Rebecca Rider vs. Joan Kossack vs. Michael Carvaines.
Rebecca Rider vs. Jim Craner vs. Alex Stoy.
Rebecca Rider vs. Shawn Townsend vs. Lisa Sotir Ozkan.
Rebecca Rider vs. Tara Curcio vs. Scott Brill.
Rebecca Rider vs. Katie Newcomb vs. Salvo Candela.
Salvo Candela vs. Emily Vandermeulen vs. Eric Nelson.
Mike Lewis; Chris Long; Catherine Radford
Mike Lewis; Chris O. Cook; Tobias Harris
Mike Lewis; Elizabeth McCullough; Jason Parker.
Mike Lewis; Meena Puffer; Sam Hopkins.
Sam Hopkins; Les Chun; Katrina Whitehead.
Sam Hopkins; Benjamin Recchie; Kirk Nelson.
Kirk Nelson; Patti Duplaga; J Tarter-Fox.
J Tarter-Fox; Rachel Gordon; David Moore.
Rachel Gordon; Jonathan Van Balen; Kathy Nitschke.
Jonathan Van Balen; Greg Draves; Lauren Hopkins Karcz.
Greg Draves; Tim Anderson; Susan Torsell-Damico.
Tim Anderson; Liz Belthoff; Jason Rau.
Tim Anderson; Bill Matheny; Judy Wang.
Tim Anderson; Andre Green; Erin Murphy.
Andre Green; Matt Noble; Megan Hickey.
Matt Noble; John Kimball; Eric Maitland.
Eric Maitland; Renee Hennessee; Andrew Moore.
Andrew Moore; Robin Raffer; Eugene Chuang.
Andrew Moore; Henry Watkins; Ravi Saxena.
Andrew Moore; Tom Hanson; Caitlin Peruccio.
Andrew Moore; Ben Christenson; Judy Cole.
Andrew Moore; Britta Waller; Joel Hart.
Andrew Moore; Padraic Scanlan; John Simpson.
Padraic Scanlan; Gabe Gales; Maggie Millikan.
Gabe Gales; Laura Amundson; Darryl Campbell.
Laura Amundson; Nishant Menon; Sonrisa Cooper.
Sonrisa Cooper; Ben Ingram; Jacob Laux.
Ben Ingram; Dan Weber; Sandra Ferkol.
Ben Ingram; Hunter Sandison; Linda Vestrand.
Ben Ingram; Hunter Sandison; Karen O'Donnell.
Ben Ingram; Carlos Hernandez Fisher; Alice Kelly.
Ben Ingram; Jonathan Couser; Donna Hesson.
Ben Ingram; Liz Kelly; Jeremy Husen.
Ben Ingram; Stacie Larson; Beth Morgan.
Ben Ingram; Dawn Owens-Nicholson; Mark Japinga.
Mark Japinga; Toby Crew; Ken Dasher.
Mark Japinga; Bradley King; Deborah Stowell.
Mark Japinga; Jeffrey Wachs; Amanda Farrish.
Mark Japinga, Kerri McCoy, John Clarke.
Kerri McCoy; Matthew Mahan; Berek Marcus.
Berek Marcus, Alan Baltis, Cal Mason.
Alan Baltis; Patrick Geary; Mary Nadal.
Patrick Geary; David Brown; Sarah Orzalli.
David Brown; Katie Annis; Timothy Youker.
David Brown; Jared Hall; Kim Carver.
Jared Hall; Bruce Richards; Leigh Hoopes.
Zoë Assasie; Jonathan Shoemaker; Erin Wenokur.
Aarin Martinez; Sallie Rawlston; John Wilkins.
Skyler Hornback; Thomas Hurley; Shuli Jones.
Clement Doucette; Blythe McWhirter; Josiah Washington.
Patrick Aimone; Holly Boivin ; Xan Vessels.
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