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In the state of Maine, the elite Game Warden Service patrols more than eighteen million acres of rugged terrain filled with wild animals... and wild people. Each Autumn brings the hunting season, the Warden's busiest and most dangerous time of year. These 'State Police of the Woods' never know what to expect from one moment to the next. North Woods Law follows Maine's elite Game Wardens as they navigate the Pine Tree State's rugged terrain and twisted back roads. This year the wardens cover deer, moose, and fowl hunting seasons - the busiest and most perilous times of the year. Each punch of the time clock is a ticket to extreme danger and drama as undercover stings and intense rescues are all in a day's work. Whether they're tracking bears on dangerous mountains or busting drunk drivers on ATVs, the Maine Game Wardens risk life and limb to protect animals and serve the people of Maine.

Genres: Crime | Drama | Action
Station: Animal Planet (US)
Rating: 7.67/10 from 3 users
Status: To Be Determined
Start: 2012-03-11

North Woods Law Season 5 Air Dates

S05E00 - Warden's Most Wanted 3 Air Date: 27 July 2015 01:00 -

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S05E01 - Takedown Air Date: 27 July 2015 01:00 -

Maine's big game season attracts a flood of sportsmen who don't always play by the rules. The wardens watch for night hunters and track down a deer poacher. Some out-of-staters need a lesson in Maine hunting laws.

S05E02 - Judgement Day Air Date: 27 July 2015 01:00 -

Autumn in Maine keeps the wardens busy, as hunters head for the woods. Some sportsmen obey the rules; others try to evade them. Sergeant Simmons and Warden McKenney investigate a case about a poached moose.

S05E03 - Wild Moose Chase Air Date: 27 July 2015 01:00 -

Fall brings the beginning of the great Maine moose season. Ride along with Warden MacCabe on his unbelievable six-day moose hunt. Wardens investigate a double moose kill, the granddaddy of wildlife crimes, and search for the source of mysterious shots.

S05E04 - Hot on the Heels Air Date: 27 July 2015 01:00 -

As hunting season winds down, the game wardens look out for overeager sportsmen bending the rules. Warden Fitzpatrick catches a Canadian hunter posing as an American. Wardens Parker and Buuck bring a fugitive night hunter to justice.

S05E05 - To Serve and Protect Air Date: 27 July 2015 01:00 -

The game wardens are guardians of Maine's wildlife, but they also protect the public. Warden Carter must find an injured bear. A search is mounted for a missing man in the woods.

S05E06 - Down to the Wire Air Date: 27 July 2015 01:00 -

The tail end of deer season tempts empty-handed hunters to break the law. The wardens work round the clock shifts to catch a night hunter and a family of felons armed to the teeth. Spahr and Blanchard investigate a pair of deer shot suspiciously.

S05E07 - Deer Detectives Air Date: 27 July 2015 01:00 -

Maine's busy deer hunting season keeps the wardens on their toes. An intentional violator in Aroostook County is busted night hunting. A hunter misidentifies his target and shoots an antlerless deer. Feuding neighbors hamper the wardens' investigation.

S05E08 - The Nick of Time Air Date: 10 August 2015 01:00 -

At the start of hunting season in Maine, the wardens nab violators who are illegally illuminating wildlife, firing guns from their vehicles, and hunting over baited deer stands. Warden Lounder finds himself in a dangerous situation when he is surrounded.

S05E09 - Warden vs. Wild Air Date: 17 August 2015 01:00 -

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Game wardens are the guardians of Maine's natural resources and wildlife - and that means getting up close and personal with all kinds of animals. In this special episode, wardens relocate an angry black bear, rescue an orphaned baby moose and more.

S05E10 - Unwarranted Waste Air Date: 20 September 2015 21:00 -

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S05E11 - Deer Detectives Air Date: 03 August 2015 01:00 -

S05E12 - The Nick of Time Air Date: 10 August 2015 01:00 -

S05E13 - Warden vs. Wild: Animal Encounters Air Date: 17 August 2015 01:00 -

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S05E14 - High Jinks Air Date: 07 September 2015 01:00 -

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