When will be O Americano next episode air date? Is O Americano renewed or cancelled? Where to countdown O Americano air dates? Is O Americano worth watching?

Portugal. Early '80s. A group of criminals spreads terror across the Algarve, with more than twenty bank robberies. The gang is led by a man they call "the Doctor" and a carpenter named Faustino Cavaco with the nickname "the American".

Genres: Crime | Drama | Thriller
Station: RTP1 (PT)
Rating: 0/10 from 0 users
Status: Ended
Start: 2024-12-02

O Americano Air Dates

S01E05 - Matar Alguém é Fácil, Difícil é Lidar Com a Culpa Air Date: 30 December 2024 21:00 -

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Algarve. 1984. The police find the bodies of the brutally murdered tax guards. The pressure increases. Ligério, a corrupt PSP, and Aníbal are nervous about the presence of the Judiciary Police. Another death occurs and they are forced to dispatch Ligério. 1985. Faustino is tried, pleads guilty to all crimes and is transferred to the hell of Pinheiro da Cruz.

S01E06 - Nem Deus Faz Planos de Fuga, Nem Eu Milagres Air Date: 06 January 2025 21:00 -

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1985. Pinheiro da Cruz Prison. Faustino meets Raposo and his group. The unexpected arrival of the Doctor, now known as the Scientist, causes surprise. The group begins to come up with an escape plan and Faustino is tasked with introducing a pistol into the prison. The woman, Cristina, does not want to be an accomplice to anything. Algarve. 1984. Faustino celebrates with his family the relaunch of his workshop, thanks to money from scams, when he is surprised by Ligério's return. Crimes accumulate.

S01E07 - Este País Tem Memória Curta, As Coisas Prescrevem Air Date: 13 January 2025 21:00 -

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Algarve. 1984. Faustino and Doutor, on a night of drinking that goes wrong, are forced to flee the Algarve. 1985. Pinheiro da Cruz Prison. Happiness visits Faustino in prison who asks for his help. A gun is sent into the prison.

S01E08 - Mata-se o Cão, Acaba-se a Raiva Air Date: 20 January 2025 21:00 -

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1985. Faustino and his gang flee Pinheiro da Cruz, leaving a trail of death and blood. The biggest manhunt ever seen in Portugal begins. Several months later, only Faustino and the Doctor are still at large. Capture is imminent...

Next Episode of O Americano is

not planed. TV Show was canceled.

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