When will be POV next episode air date? Is POV renewed or cancelled? Where to countdown POV air dates? Is POV worth watching?

POV (a cinema term for "point of view") is television's longest-running showcase for independent non-fiction films. POV premieres 14-16 of the best, boldest and most innovative programs every year on PBS. Since 1988, POV has presented over 400 films to public television audiences across the country. POV films are known for their intimacy, their unforgettable storytelling and their timeliness, putting a human face on contemporary social issues.

Station: PBS (US)
Rating: 0/10 from 0 users
Status: Running
Start: 1988-07-05

POV Season 25 Air Dates

S25E01 - My Reincarnation Air Date: 22 June 2012 02:00 -

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Witness the epic story of exiled Tibetan Buddhist master Chagyal Namkhai Norbu and his Western-born son, Yeshi.

S25E02 - Granito: How to Nail a Dictator Air Date: 29 June 2012 02:00 -

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Hear the extraordinary story of a film that provided key evidence for bringing an indictment against a dictator.

S25E03 - The City Dark Air Date: 06 July 2012 02:00 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

Get a fascinating introduction to the science of the dark and an exploration of our relationship to the stars.

S25E04 - Guilty Pleasures Air Date: 13 July 2012 02:00 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

Take an amusing and touching look at the global phenomenon of romance novels.

S25E05 - The Light in Her Eyes Air Date: 20 July 2012 02:00 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

View a portrait of a Syrian leader who challenges women to live according to Islam without giving up their dreams.

S25E06 - Up Heartbreak Hill Air Date: 27 July 2012 02:00 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

Take a moving look at a new generation of Americans struggling to be both Native and modern.

S25E07 - The Barber of Birmingham Air Date: 10 August 2012 02:00 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S25E08 - Sin PaĆ­s Air Date: 10 August 2012 02:00 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S25E09 - Eyes on the Stars Air Date: 10 August 2012 02:00 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S25E10 - Facundo the Great Air Date: 10 August 2012 02:00 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S25E11 - A Family Man Air Date: 10 August 2012 02:00 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S25E12 - I'm Carolyn Parker: The Good, the Mad, and the Beautiful Air Date: 21 September 2012 02:00 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S25E13 - El Velador (The Night Watchman) Air Date: 28 September 2012 02:00 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S25E14 - Give Up Tomorrow Air Date: 05 October 2012 02:00 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S25E15 - Sun Kissed Air Date: 19 October 2012 02:00 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S25E16 - Nostalgia for the Light Air Date: 26 October 2012 02:00 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S25E17 - Reportero Air Date: 08 January 2013 03:00 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S25E18 - Girl Model Air Date: 25 March 2013 02:00 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

Next Episode of POV is

Season 37 / Episode 13 and airs on 08 April 2025 02:00

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