Next Episode of The Fantastic Journey is
not planed. TV Show was canceled.
The Fantastic Journey is an American science fiction television series that was originally aired on NBC from February 3 through June 17, 1977. The series concerns a family and their associates who charter a boat out into the Caribbean for a scientific expedition. After an encounter in the area of the Bermuda Triangle with an unnatural green cloud, the group find themselves shipwrecked on a mysterious uncharted island from which they are unable to escape.They encounter Varian (Jared Martin), initially disguised as an Arawak native, who is later revealed to be from the year 2230. A 23rd-century pacifist, musician and healer, Varian explains to the travelers that, like he and many before them, they have been caught in a space/time continuum where people from the past, present, future and from other worlds are trapped, co-existing on the island in a series of timezones. The only way home can be found in a place called "Evoland", which lies "far to the rising sun". (It was indicated in interviews of the time that Evoland was also the name of the island.) The only way to travel between timezones is via invisible gateways that instantaneously transport individuals or groups from one zone to another. In one episode "Beyond The Mountain" the group also encounters a second cloud, which has much the same effect, but which also splits up the group.
The traveler's come across a carnival and take up an offer by a sorcerer Appolonius to try his fun house, only to discover his other plan which is to steal Willoway's body for himself and liana's and Fred's bodies for his 2 companions. Fred and Liana are caught awaiting the takeover of there bodies while after Appolonius enters Willoway he tries to persuade Varian and Scott to meet him in the next zone telling them that Appolonius will tell only him the secret to evailand and the door way back home but Varian see through Appolonius's plan and fights his will to help Willoway to escape from him. Fred and Liana escape and show up in time to watch the showdown
Liana is captured by a group of men who treat women as slaves, the travelers become involved in her rescue, but things don't go to plan as the woman have already taken care of the problem by using the complex computer to transport the men to a holding cell. They offer a place for Liana but as they are male, consider them a problem as well, but because of there behavior to liana they see a difference in them and decide to use them as (breading stock) the queen orders them to be given a poison in there meals that will act as a leash of sorts for once given the poison wont effect you unless you stop taking it. Scott gets a sample of the poison and Fred escapes to retrieve his medical kit left behind at there camp by the river. He is chased by Connell but helping her after a bad fall she decides to help him and his friends. In the mean time Queen Halyana has another problem the complex computer develops a mind of its own and starts to take over the city. Queen Halyana asks Willoway to fix
A mysterious rider comes to the group with a riddle that tells of a stone which is a key to lead them home to Eviland. he says to follow the runner Kedryn for he will lead them to the house below and in a hall of echoes they will find the stone but be warned nearing you see with other eyes in holding things alter shape and size in giving you win the prize. and off the rider goes just as they see a man running Fred and Varian take chase during this chase Kedryn makes a rock slide happen with his mind. the chase leads to a house in a valley (the house below) they go back for the others and bring them to the house where Kedryn and Krysta welcome them during dinner a storm starts outside and when the lightning strikes Scott sees an old man where Kedryn is sitting he is unsettled and later tells the others what he has seen (approaching seeing with other eyes) so the next day Willoway plays sick. while Fred and Scott keep Kedryn and Krysta away from the house horse back riding, Varian and
The travelers are awaken by the sound of a crashing space ship. But not just a space ship a prison ship during the crash one of the prisoners (York) gets loose and kills the pilot and then frees the other prisoner (Tye) who is injured during the crash but semi conscious. Thinking the copilot was dead they leave the ship and run into our group who had run to see if they could be of help. they take them back to there camp where Fred takes care of Tye they invite the 2 to join there party in the trip to Eviland and the way home not knowing of there criminal past. The next day they come to a community of innocent for they know nothing of thieves or murders all is open and everything is shared. Rayat the leader offers the travelers a place to stay while Tye recuperates and even to join their community if they chose to. when Scott asks Rayat's daughter Natica about the stone in her necklace she shows them that they have the power (with the help of a magical orb) to change strawberries into d
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