When will be Титаны next episode air date? Is Титаны renewed or cancelled? Where to countdown Титаны air dates? Is Титаны worth watching?

Artificial intelligence challenges the strongest people in Russia. TNT TV channel is conducting an incredible sports experiment using the latest technologies. After analyzing a huge amount of data, the neural network has created a series of complex tests to test what the human body is capable of. In the special space of our experiment, the strongest people in Russia, real Titans, will compete for the title of the strongest winner of the show and a prize of 10 million rubles. Will people be able to withstand the power of artificial intelligence?

Genres: Sports
Station: ТНТ (RU)
Rating: 0/10 from 0 users
Status: Running
Start: 2024-05-26

Титаны Air Dates

S01E12 - Выпуск 12. Финал Air Date: 11 August 2024 09:00 -

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S02E01 - Выпуск 01 Air Date: 26 January 2025 09:00 -

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S02E02 - Выпуск 02 Air Date: 02 February 2025 09:00 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S02E03 - Выпуск 03 Air Date: 09 February 2025 09:00 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

Next Episode of Титаны is


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