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Nick Knowles and the team issue a call to arms and recruit friends, family and local trades to help transform the homes of families across Britain.

Genres: DIY
Station: BBC One (GB)
Rating: 0/10 from 0 users
Status: Running
Start: 1999-10-07

DIY SOS Season 8 Air Dates

S08E01 - Episode 1 Air Date: 10 July 2003 19:00 -

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An eighth series gets under way with Nick Knowles and Lowri Turner offering more help to victims of home-improvement disasters. In a cottage in deepest Suffolk Nick and his team attend to unfinished business, while Lowri meets three families who've had a DIY catastrophe and asks viewers to decide which of them is most deserving of assistance.

S08E02 - Episode 2 Air Date: 17 July 2003 19:00 -

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Nick Knowles and his team are in Bristol, where Carolyn and Adrian found their dream of buying a house and doing it up turned into a horrible reality when time, inspiration and money all deserted them. And Lowri Turner meets three more families who've had a DIY catastrophe and asks viewers to decide which of them most deserves assistance.

S08E03 - Episode 3 Air Date: 24 July 2003 19:00 -

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Mother of two Cherie needs the team's help in finishing a bedroom project. Her husband Jon has injured his shoulder and she is finding the room-sharing with the children rather a trial. Lowri Turner , meanwhile, asks viewers to decide which of three families most deserves assistance.

S08E04 - Episode 4 Air Date: 31 July 2003 19:00 -

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Jo Bolton made the mistake of popping out to the shops while her husband Julian knocked down a few walls in their Bath home. Two years on Nick Knowles finds it's still a ruin, devoid of any Roman allure. Lowri Turner , meanwhile, asks viewers to decide which of three families most deserves help.

S08E05 - Episode 5 Air Date: 07 August 2003 19:00 -

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Nick Knowles and Lowri Turner offer more help to victims of do-it-yourself disasters. Nick and the fix-it team drop in on childhood sweethearts in Addlestone, Surrey, whose decorating skills left a lot to be desired, while Lowri and her builders "rescue a room" and ask viewers tojudge which of three women is most deserving of home-improvement help.

S08E06 - Episode 6 Air Date: 14 August 2003 19:00 -

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Bathrooms are battlefields in two households. Lowri Turner meets Mary, whose husband plays a mean banjo, knows all about speedway - and is useless at DIY. Meanwhile,

Nick Knowles races to the rescue of Janet in Nottingham, who is forced to share a bedroom with her daughters.

S08E07 - Episode 7 Air Date: 21 August 2003 19:00 -

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By all accounts, Vera's house should be a palace - after all, her husband Doug has spent the last 17 years trying to finish numerous home-improvement projects. Will

Nick Knowles and Lowri Turner help to rectify his shoddy work?

S08E08 - Episode 8 Air Date: 28 August 2003 19:00 -

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A real "Shirley Valentine " met her dream man on a Greek island - but his DIY skills leave something to be desired. Nick Knowles and Lowri Turner host the last of the series

Next Episode of DIY SOS is


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