Next Episode of House Hunters Off the Grid is
not planed. TV Show was canceled.
In House Hunters Off the Grid, home seekers take house hunting to an extreme when they tour unconventional properties way off the beaten path. Find out what happens when they head to random locations in search of the perfect quirky house. Viewers will be on the edge of their seats trying to figure out which bizarre place they'll ultimately choose.
A couple wants to break away from their hectic, busy lifestyle to live a simple life with their three children in Bocas del Toro, Panama.
A snowboarder wants to push his skills in northwest Montana, so he and his wife search for a house with a second structure for a rental income.
Free spirits want to find a permanent home in a remote section of Hawaii, but they can only afford a home in a high risk area.
Catherine and Cathy love owning and running their Miami restaurant. But dealing with crowded and hectic city life there became too much to bear. A vacation to Belize's Cayo District triggered thoughts of a new life, and they jumped at the chance to call the area home. Cathy yearns to get back in touch with nature far from civilization with a home that is self-sustainable. But in the remote areas of the Cayo, Internet connections become spotty and Catherine knows that in order to run their business remotely, they need a stable Internet connection, as House Hunters International gets Off the Grid in the Cayo District of Belize.
A military veteran wanting to spend more time with his family, makes a permanent move to Tablas Island in the Philippines.
A man wants to leave his life behind to try and live a holistic life in Uruguay, in a off-the-grid home.
A woman decides to live a farm life in Árneshreppur, Iceland, where she can continue the values of traditional Icelandic community.
A man wants to get back to basics with a subsistence lifestyle in Alaska, and believes his military training will be a benefit.
A couple needs a break from running their clinic, and have decided to find a low footprint home off the grid in Belize.
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